Friday, June 27, 2008

it's really winter...

3 week winter break.......

1 week dah berlalu..2 weeks left! come on and wake up!
U have to do something!
itulah yg menjerit-jerit kat minda ni~~

not like last year, this time, i juz spend my 3week holiday kat massey uni..
y? got my own reasons...
''perlu bersendiri'',
to CHECK , apa yg salah, apa yg betul, apa yg x kena, apa yg dah kena...
I choose not to go to both places WELLY @ AUCKLAND

haven't go any further lg...but sooner or later, asap , hopefully...a task in progress..!

result akan keluar tidak lama lagi...
planning ku?semua sudah tersedia...tinggal lagi utk bergerak..mana janjimu?

dlm seminggu,aktiviti memasak sgt active!
tumpang free~ terpakse merajinkan diri..
once school sudah start...terasa berat utk memasak..
tambahan pula, bila assignments berlungguk...

cepatlah Hana....!mulakan semuanya semula...! cepat!
masa itu ibarat pedang...RUGI nya....kalau terus dihabiskan utk
perkara yang x datangkan faedah ~kat tempat hakiki dan abadi~
kalaw sudah confirm faedah utk tempat hakiki dan abadi, sudahlah tentu...
confirm beneficial utk tempat sementara ni..
aaaaaaaaaaahhh....ruginya kamu HANA!

This year, winter pelik sikit kot...
hujan hari-hari..snow pon dah turun kat manawatu..first time..
nak jugak keluar melihat alam, tapi asyik hujan ... terpaksa berkurung..
melihat tikus comel..peliharaan sementara...

tikus ni,cute n sgt kecil..colour black n's ammy's pet..
she's in welly rite now for bersatu games..
so,utk sementara waktu, tikus ni bermukim kat my bilik c3-3 kairanga!
rumah die pon dah cukup comel..
kdg2 rasa nk bersembang ngan si tikus nie,
tp tengok je ekor die, dah menggigil..hihi..

kejenye, makan ,main, tidur...waktu malam bila dah light off..lagi la active..
*i brusaha utk tidur awal, u asyik ganggu ye*
nasib baik u = tikus yg comeyl n cute..

suatu pagi, bile bangun, rase gelabah jugak...
bile x nampak kelibat si comel dalam rumah nye,
rupa2nya tgh main aci sembunyi..=p
sangat nakallll!

harap2, ur food n drink yg amy served tu cukup ye si comel...
xley mkn bnyak sgt, nnti *gemuks*

okeyh, time's up!
nk berdating dgn Dia..then, have to prepare my juadah..:D
makan curry lagi harini nampaknya=p

to white team..all the best!moga2 tahun ini ade medal's'!
''I hope to be at that place, to search for what I haven't found...but my head is so complicated...telling me that I have to stay here, be alone for a while, and PLAN!''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Farhana...rindu kamu...:)
take ur time to b alone yerk..having fun with the mouse..welly sgtt sejukk..sgt windy..but still sronok bcoz i've all the people that i miss here..wish u were here too..take care..jgn asyk mkn kari je..:D

p/s:dh jmpa Dr Otago semlm.:D