Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm sorry , I love you :'(

I'm s.o.r.r.y I l.o.v.e you

It has been more than 2 weeks I haven't heard your voice
I miss u so much,
but I have had much trouble that I couldn't be there to listen to you

Ignore ignore and ignore
I'm sorry to ignore
but I have to
even though I have the option not to
I'm missing you..I'm missing them
I want to be with you, and I want you to be by my side at this moment,
when I don't know
and I'm not sure

Just like the past 6 years,
I cried when you cried.
You are the only one who is willing to make me cry by your tears.

Yes, I need you .

1 comment:

Fairuz Sallehuddin said...

havng the same "im sorry i love you" thingy too right now :(