Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bila yang khilaf dipanjangkan cerita


To start of - I'm not an ustazah or an islamic scholar & seumpamanya.
But this is what an ignorant observer feels
apabila :

Membaca perbincangan tentang isu yang sudah dinyatakan dari awal bahawa ianya isu KHILAF,
tapi masih lagi diulang bincang 'berjuta' kali,
+ ada yang keras juga nak pertahankan pilihan masing-masing,
+ at last no conclusion at all.

This is what I realize, bila isu khilaf bincang panjang berjela,
lastly there's no absolute conclusion.

I think it's clear everyone should have realized what the concusion will be.
Why waste time?

Unless u want to share what the islamic scholar said.

But it happens like' thousand' times?

And it just make orang awam macam saya
pening and just don't make people feel bore please :))
Make it sweet and simpler.


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