yea..first day of semester 1 3rd year,
Biostatistics- it's not how I'm going to master the subject,
it's about how I'm going to master using the software..
You've been working with software's' since first year la dik,
It's just a new thing! You have to explore! You have no other ways!
Everyone should face it!
Yea, I know...
There are some faces in the class that make me feel inferior..
Kates and another Kiwi girl,
she used to be our tutor in introductory statistics.
Should I drop this paper?
I faced the same situation during my first class for ANALYSIS =)
Come on Hana! You can do it!!!!!!
Cheer up!!!
*Gambar : *Hana,Noha,Xue*
ingat nak start bekerja at 8pm,
suddenly Noha told me that she's going for a walk, dgn kak yus..
Zu ada sekali..
nak hirup udara senja yang segar,
buat bekal bernafas di dalam bilik..
terdengar gelak tawa my juniors...dalam hati ''best nyaaaaa first year students!!''
*miss the good old days*
*kenapelah multivariable dihentikan........*
jgn menyerah Farhana.dulu sy ms amek fitting pn rs mcm tu,pelajar plg muda,dahlh klas pnuh dgn bdk jerman yg hebat cm kerdil je..sbb tu at the end tu ada drama air mata dgn martin.nsb baek dia mmg membantu gile.
so jgn mengalah yerk.u can do it.analysis dulu bley,skrang mst bley.
kita xkn dpt ms yg dh lps,tp kita dpt corakkn masa dpn kita.
jmpa esk.
sape CH ni U?
eh...berselindung di sebalik rumput nampak, tak nampak pun ketumbit? hang dah buat treatment yg aku suruh tu??...
hey, im going back this 1st of March, KA's birthday is on that day la U..Have U read the testi that he sent to me?
enti2 lagi...ehh, btw, do U know that UZAR is going to Sheffield?, he has been invited as a speaker in conjunction with Mawlid Nabi.
Hopefully Sheffield pun kene tempias sunnah laaa..
Good luck ye Sis..
Ape2 pun redah je..
Do the best..
iA I'll pray for U..for our family too..
miss our time together...cewah..
CH ni cahaya..
cahay yang menyinari di kala suramdan muram..hehehe
x gitu CH?
bauslah UZAR ke sheffield..
pekena sket yg dok kuat2 hizbi tu..
just kidding..;p ni sensitip dengan 2 alphabets tu,
jgn disebut2 maa..;p
*cahaya yang menyinari di kala suran dan muram
thanks a lot to CH n Hani
love u both
*baguslah UZAR ke sheffield
*di kala suram dan muram
zu makin berisi la... ke akak salah tgk..?hahaha... ke sbb gambo tu yg watkan zu nampak gemuk...hohoh...
minta lalu...hahaha
oo kak nabil, xu pastie susah hati kalaw terbaca ni..hehehehe
xdela, xu menten cun..(ade kaitan ke dgn berisi??=p)
teknik gambar je tu..*tgk org tgh la..=p*
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