Sunday, May 10, 2009


Last night, I checked the inbox messages in my phone,
I just realized there's a message from Noha Massey, that I haven't read or even replied

terkejut tak terkata, how come, i didn't reply her message? hehe
kalut2 mintak maaf

ok lah, dia tanya orang sakit memang sensitive?
kita pun jawab sesuka hati dan bina teori sendiri..
lepas tu buat alasan "maybe problem with the phone"
Noha dari dulu , x sudah-sudah suruh campak handset ke laut,
dan beli handset baru.haha
semalam katanya handset tengah murah,
Kite cakap ''tak maw, nak free, from prince charming"

tadi, Noha suruh baca p/s di blog lobaksusu :

"her phone is not working very well until she didnt realize that I sent her a sms few days ago..and tonite she said she will wait for the prince charming to buy the new phone..but what if the Prince Charming had never showed up?
-good night NZ-"


Haritu di pagi hari, lepas Subuh dapat message good morning daripada Noha.
Dengan mamainya, kite reply "hh.t" (tipu je..tapi lebeh kurang lah)

Kemudian noha message balik,
Noha tanya "Haha.Apa yang cuba kamu tulis" (lebih kurang kan Noha?)
Kite nak reply, tapi terpejam.
Bila jaga, rupanya masih di compose message, handset masih di tangan.
Bila check balik outbox. Kite gelak sorang-sorang.
Adui la Hana....
mamai =p


Noha: Jawapan, the prince charming will show up, but I do not know when is it.
Because I trust to a virgin promise "Everything should have partner".
..the promise will never been violated... :)

Wassalam :)


Anonymous said...

haha.xley blah siap buat entry.:p

p/s:semoga prince charming dtg scpt mgkn.*cnth calon terbaek -> Ismail.haha* supaya Farhana tidak akan ada mslh dgn phone nya lagi dan sy tak kn gelakkan dia lagi.hik3.

Farhana & Farhani Azizan said...

hahah..apa ni Noha..

tak sswai lah =p

ye2..bilalah masalah nset akan selesai...hehe


nur said...


ps:mmpu gelak je baca entry nieyh.macam2 lah korang nie!;p